Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy that my Presentation is Over!

Last night I had a presentation on morphology. I find it to be so odd that I still get nervous about presenting, when I have done it so many times. Its weird, at first, I am fine and than when I get up to do it I rush through it. I feel like I go through it so fast that I do not even know what I said. Hopefully, one day I will stop rushing through my presentations and calm my nerves so that I could take my time.

presentation(noun)- a social introduction or performance
morphology(noun)- the study of word formation
odd(adjective)- a feeling of strangeness or unusual
nervous(adjective)- uneasy feeling
weird(adjective)- bizarre
hopefully(adverb)- if all goes well

Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word:
1. ____________ I passed my test that I took last night.
2. When I went on the plane I was so ___________ because there was turbulence.
3. The ____________ strategy consists of breaking down words.
4. I saw a ___________ looking bug that I have never seen before.
5. I had to read an article and do a ____________ in front of the class.
6. My friends costume was ____________ because it had several arms.

Grammar Point: Verbs
Verbs express an action, state, or a relation between two things.

Now you try it:
Write a paragraph of what you did yesterday and underline the verbs, then write why you think its a verb.
ex) I drove to school yesterday. (drove: is a verb because it is an action)

1 comment:

Teacher: Jackie said...

Your presentation was good. You presented the material very clearly. The use of transparencies fit in very well, and having the students use their own writing to teach subject-verb agreement was a great idea.

Your blog is on the right track. Keep up the good work.