Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Family History

As the daughter of two Argentinian immigrants, my family's linguistic history is multi layered. Although both of my parents were born in Argentina, their families had vastly different origins. My mother's mother was also born in Argentina, but to Spanish born parents. Her father was from Italy. My father was the only member of his family not born in Peru. Both myself and my elder brother were born in the United States. This family history makes me the woman that I am today.

linguistic(adjective)- belonging to language
multi layered(adjective)- having two or more layers
vastly(adjective)- very great portion
origin(noun)- ancestry
elder(adjective)- older
history(noun)- past or continuous events

Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word:
1. The rainbow cookie is ________________.
2. I come from an Argentinian ____________.
3. The ___________ man walked very slow.
4. My parents have a long ______________ together.
5. He had ____________ overestimated his resources.
6. My story was based on the _____________ background of my family.

Grammar Point: Conjunctions
Conjunctions are any member of a small class of words distinguished in many languages by their function as connectors between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences, as and, because, but, however.

Now you try it:
Write a minimum of five sentences using a conjunction (connection word). Remember to use different conjunctions.
ex) I wrote my paper today and handed it into the professor.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

It's a great idea to write about your family history on your blog page. My family is multi-layered also. I am Italian, Irish, Scottish and English. Language though has been lost in my family for decades and it should be interesting trying to survive the linguistic paper for our class with Sister Wolochuk. I finished the paper, well over 1000 words. It's hard for me to tie in how language affects my life when I was born and raised speaking English. Your history is very interesting. Nice blog!