Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not Feeling Well....

Tuesday mourning I woke up feeling achy and all congested. I felt fine Monday night; so I do not know where I got it from, but then again who does. I am a little upset because I missed my Tuesday and Wednesday classes, which means I am going to be behind a little. I also missed work and that stinks because my paycheck is not going to be what I would like it to be. Well today I am back at work and still feel weak, but I had to get out of bed because it makes me feel worse. Today I will catch up on all my work that I have missed this week and hopefully I will be back on track by Tuesday, which I am confident that I will.

achy(adjective)- when a part of your body hurts
congested(verb)- stuffy nose
paycheck(noun)- salary or wage given at the end of the week
weak(adjective)- not strong
worse(adjective)- bad
confident(adjective)- having strong belief

Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word:
1. I did not work too many hours this week, so my _______________ is going to be low.
2. I got a cold and my back is _____________.
3. When I got up from bed my legs felt so ____________ that I almost collapsed.
4. My illness got ____________ throughout the week so I had to stay home.
5. I feel all ________________ from this cold.
6. I am ___________________ that I will pass my test.

Grammar Point: Adverbs
Adverbs can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase or a clause. They determine time, a place, a cause, or degree. They also answers the questions "how", "when", "where", and "how much". Adverbs also can end in "ly".

Now You Try it:
Add an adverb to the sentence.
1. The fish swims.
2. The cat chased the mouse.

1 comment:

Lanna Medaglia said...

I hope you feel better. I hate feeling sick; I'm such a baby when I'm sick. Well, just think we are more than half way through the semester!